Saturday, January 31, 2015

Too cold to go outside ways to exercise your dog

So if your like me and live in a cold deary winter state right now you are probably having trouble exercising your dog. Ice and snow along with the cold can really impact the amount of exercise your dog is getting each day. I know how important it is to exercise our dogs not just for their physical health , but also mentally.
These activities not only give some physical exercise , but also stimulates the dog brain and keep it active. 
Hide and Seek: This is such a great way to spend time with your dog and can be played with or without treats. First you have your dog sit and stay and then you go and hide then call the dog to come find your at first. Once your dog understand the game you can make it more difficult by having more people play. Also finding trickier spots to hide can increase the difficulty. 
This game is great with a toy too. All you do is grab your dog's favorite toy get them very excited about it and then hide it. Have your dog sit and stay and then call him/her to find the toy.  Start off simple and even let part of the toy peek though. . Once your dog understand the game better hiding options are limitless. 
The treat/ food option for this game includes using food toys  like KONG toys instead of dog bowls during mealtimes. You can hide these toys or even treats throughout the house and let your dog loose to find them. This allows for slower feeding time and more activity instead of quick munching. 

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